Bank Name
Branch Name
Branch AddressKHASRA NO. 11//25 (0-12), 13/4/2 (4-0), 5/25 (6-8), 6/1 (2-9) 7/1 (5-16), VPO. PAKHARPUR, AMRITSAR PUNJAB 151509
Bank Phone numberNA

What is the IFSC Code of PAKHARPUR branch HDFC BANK AMRITSAR Branch?


PAKHARPUR HDFC BANK Branch details located in district AMRITSAR of PUNJAB?

Address: KHASRA NO. 11//25 (0-12), 13/4/2 (4-0), 5/25 (6-8), 6/1 (2-9) 7/1 (5-16), VPO. PAKHARPUR, AMRITSAR PUNJAB 151509

IFSC : HDFC0003390

Postal Address of PAKHARPUR branch AMRITSAR HDFC BANK?

KHASRA NO. 11//25 (0-12), 13/4/2 (4-0), 5/25 (6-8), 6/1 (2-9) 7/1 (5-16), VPO. PAKHARPUR, AMRITSAR PUNJAB 151509

Contact and Mobile Number of PAKHARPUR branch of HDFC BANK AMRITSAR district?

Not available

HDFC BANK PAKHARPUR AMRITSAR Branch manager contact number, email address:

Not available

How can I transfer funds or money from one PAKHARPUR branch of HDFC BANKAMRITSAR branch account to another bank account online?

You can transfer money from one bank branch PAKHARPUR HDFC BANK districtAMRITSAR branch account to another through online mode using different methods like National Electronic Fund Transfer (NEFT), Real-time Gross Settlement (RTGS), Unified Payment Interface (UPI), Immediate Payment Service (IMPS)

IsPAKHARPUR branch HDFC BANK district AMRITSAR branch HDFC0003390the same as bank branch code?

No, branch PAKHARPUR of HDFC BANK located at AMRITSAR branch HDFC0003390 is different from branch code.

Where is the IFSC Code HDFC0003390PAKHARPUR HDFC BANK AMRITSAR branch is printed on the cheque leaf?

PAKHARPUR HDFC BANK AMRITSAR branch HDFC0003390 IFSC code inAMRITSAR is generally present on the top part of every cheque leaf or mostly at the bottom line of cheque or near the PAKHARPUR HDFC BANK address

Is HDFC BANK IFSC Codes in AMRITSAR required to transact IMPS?

HDFC BANK IFSC Codes in AMRITSAR is required for IMPS transfer only if the individual is transferring funds or money using bank account number. If the receiver;s bank account MMID is not available, then he/she needs to add the receiver as a payee for transfer , for which details such as name, bank account number, and IFSC are required.

Is it possible to find the HDFC BANK IFSC Codes in AMRITSAR of a bank branch from the savings bank account number hosted in the same bank?

No, it is not possible as the 15-digit long bank account number does not include any bank HDFC BANKIFSC Codes in AMRITSAR.

I think I have given the wrongHDFC0003390 IFSC located in PAKHARPUR of HDFC BANK present in AMRITSARdistrict when initiating a NEFT funds or money transfer. What will happen to my money transfer?

There is no need to worry as for a NEFT transaction to go through and benefit the intended recipient, you are required to provide the latter account number and the corresponding bankPAKHARPUR HDFC BANK AMRITSAR branch HDFC0003390 IFSC. In case you provided the wrongHDFC0003390 IFSC of bank branch PAKHARPUR HDFC BANK located at districtAMRITSAR branch , the banking system will tally against the recipient's name and bank account number to find the mistake and refund your money. The refunded money will be reflected in your bank account within a couple of working days at the maximum.

Can I identify the HDFC0003390 IFSCPAKHARPUR branch HDFC BANK AMRITSARfrom my bank passbook?

Yes, you can identify the HDFC0003390 ifsc code of PAKHARPUR HDFC BANK present inAMRITSARfrom the passbook given to you. As per a rule from the Reserve Bank of India, banks must and should print the IFSC and MICR codes on the passbooks,cheques and account statements issued by them.

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